தக்கன பிழைக்கும்

அன்போ அறிவோ
அதிரூப‌ அழகோ
அகத்தில் காதல்
அகழும் எல்லாம்
அழிந்தும் எஞ்சும் -
அங்குல அல்குல்.


Anonymous said…
Paste this HTML link in comment form message box in your blogger blog

Anonymous said…
hi, i would like to know how to create the HTML link for blinking words(like new, hot etc)that you are using in your blog... you tell me the way to form bliking red coloured words at the end of a post title...

Regarding the Blinking Red Text:

Blinking - U can get it simply through "blink" HTML tag.

Red colour - U have to use the style="color:" attribute.

Best way to understand is : go to my page, right click and select "view page source", HTML doc opens, search for "NEW" in it, u will get the "blink" HTML tag which I used - u can replicate the same in the needed places.
Anonymous said…
which one among the two below I should use?

[blink style="color: red; font-size: 78%;"] NEW[/blink][br /]

or this

[blink style="color: red; font-size: 78%;"] NEW[/blink]

what is the use of [br /]? இந்த [br /] என்பது எதற்கு?

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