ட்விட்டர் தாட்ஸ் - 9 (நவம்பர் '09 : பார்ட் 4)

2009-11-11 10:32:30
i love priyanka chopra..

2009-11-11 10:12:20
250th tweet.. nothing more than that..

2009-11-11 05:55:19
whenever i tweet more, there comes few new followers.. wat's the logic?

2009-11-11 05:40:25
"good morning" is not a proper tweet.. but this could be..

2009-11-11 05:34:50
re-tweets are coming as RT only (as before) for me.. am not a part of the so-called beta group?

2009-11-10 11:02:00
i think even, tamil computer magazine tried it..

2009-11-10 11:01:00
tat's how all the leading software / technical magazines work..

2009-11-10 10:59:00
due to variety of reasons i didn't do it.

2009-11-10 10:58:16
i thought of going in lungi to office when we celebrated traditional costumes day.

2009-11-10 10:37:30
i am not convinced about their dream girl status.. its still looks like an alien stuff to me..

2009-11-10 10:28:00

2009-11-10 10:27:49
if i write a book on ilayaraaja, the title would be இசைக்கடவுள்

2009-11-10 10:22:45
#worstfeeling writing

2009-11-10 10:22:28
#bestfeeling reading

2009-11-10 10:21:26
silk smitha, mumtaj, namitha are sex icons of their period.. but how is it possible..

2009-11-10 10:20:08
i hate airtel super singer, maanaada mayilaada etc etc..

2009-11-10 10:19:04
my colleague says "TRism" is a religion in Tamil Nadu where TR refers to T.Rajendhar..

2009-11-10 10:17:53
let me be a trend setter..

2009-11-10 10:16:29
i miss you..

2009-11-10 10:15:00
அப்புறம் பேர‌ரசு

2009-11-10 10:15:00
4.கெளதம் மேனன் 5.கிரேசி மோகன் 6.சரண் 7.பரதன் 8.விஜி 9.சுபா 10.ஹரி

2009-11-10 10:14:46
best tamil film dialogue writers 1.கமல்ஹாசன் 2.சுஜாதா 3.மணிரத்னம்

2009-11-10 10:03:50
இந்த பின்நவீனத்துவ எழவெல்லாம் வேண்டாம்னு தான் ப்ளாக்கர விட்டுட்டு வந்திருக்கிறேன். இங்கேயுமா?

2009-11-10 09:49:45
எனக்கென்னவோ, இந்தியப் பெண்களுக்கும் இந்த அறிவுரை தேவை எனத் தோன்றுகிறது.

2009-11-10 09:41:49
"don't look at the bankbook or the title. Look at the heart. Look at the soul" - Michelle Obama gives dating advice to women

2009-11-10 09:31:08
thanks to @senthilnathansk for introducing me, the twitter

2009-11-10 06:33:59
t-shirt quotes; bmw - beer music women

2009-11-10 06:09:28
new tweet notification in twitter..

2009-11-10 05:48:38
Yogi trailer - cinematography by r.b.gurudev is impressive..

2009-11-10 12:10:26
my friend missed to bring passport while going to GMAT exam center.. prevented from writing the exam.. lost 15k exam fee..


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