Though inflation is poking the head of union FM, most of the the branded showrooms in Bangalore opened up a monsoon sale with flat reduction offers ranging from 25% off to 75% off, currently. The business brand tycoons viz., Reebok, Lee, Westside, Adidas, Fila, Nike, Puma, Peter England, Pantaloons, Allen Solly, Wrangler, Levis, Levi Strauss, Pepe Jeans, Spykar, Tommy Hilfiger, Dockers, Indian Terrain are the major stakeholders of the sale.

Yesterday, I have noticed a very peculiar promotional offer of this kind at "Jealous 21", a specialty women store at Indira Nagar, Bangalore. Its "Your waist size + 21% off" on the price of the clothings. I have also seen a bunch of girls standing inside the showroom with their hands up and lips smiling, showing their waist to the measurement tapes. Let me hope that they are measuring the girls' waist size in inches (I am sure the one of those girls would have got at, least 70% off).

Attention, all fat girls! This is a very good news for you people and a possibility of positive point to cheer with on your size. Rush to the store (It's located at 100 Ft. Road - CMH Road junction) to show off and grab yours (The offer is valid only on all bottom wear). Is there any offer of this kind for men?


Anonymous said…
Instead, You should have directly asked if the offer is available for you (similar kind of fatty people)!!!! ;-)
Keerthi said…
Machi...saw of the users requesting blog in tamil...chk out thz tool...

hopefully they wud add tamil soon

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