கௌதம் மேனன் கடிதம்

நேற்றைய ப்ரஸ் ரிலீஸில் நடுநிசிநாய்கள் திரைப்படம் குறித்து ஊடக‌த்துறையின‌ருக்கு கௌதம் மேனன் சொல்லியிருப்பவை - ஒரு சுத்த‌ கலைஞனின் வியாபார சமரசம் இது:


Dear Media Friends...

Nadunisi naaygal is new age Tamil cinema. I have tried to break the rules of regular tamil cinema with this film. It's also in a genre that is new to me. It's experimental in the sense that it is a dark and disturbing film. It's a contrast to all my earlier films in every sense. In a way, it's an announcement that I am always looking to break away from a style that I am known for and create a new style for myself. Anything experimental and new will always be received with bouquets and brickbats and I am at a stage in my career where I fully understand that. I stand by this film with a lot of conviction. Its not a film that you can walk out of saying that you loved it unless you are fond of this genre of films. It's an experience, that's all it is. And the last frame before the direction card will tell you why I decided to make this film. Your encouragement will hopefully pave the way for a new style in tamil cinema and a new breed of Tamil filmmakers.

With Regards
Gautham Vasudev Menon


ஒரு படைப்பாளியை அவனது ஆக்கம் குறித்து சுயவிளக்கம் அளிக்கும் நிலைக்குத் த‌ள்ளி விடுகிறோம் என்பதே நமது தமிழ் கூறும் நல்லுலகின் சிறப்பு. வாழ்க இந்நாடு!


நன்றி: sify.com


Anonymous said…
மிலிடரி தலையன் அடங்க மாட்றான்.இதுல கூட பாரு இங்கிலீசு லெட்டர்தான்.நாய மொதல்ல தமிழ் கத்துக்க சொல்லு.அப்புறம், இதென்னடா? "break away from normal cinema?" ஏற்கெனவே சிகப்பு ரோஜாக்கள் பாத்தாச்சுடா நீ மூடு.பீட்டர் உட்டே காலத்த ஓட்டுறான.
பி.கு: CSK கொஞ்சம் உலக சினிமாவும் பாரு.அப்போதான் எது காப்பி எது ஒரிஜினல்னு தெரியும்.Psycho &Hannibal lecter series பாரு.அப்புறம் இந்த படத்த காரி துப்புவ.
vijay said…
Though Gautam is portrayed as a realistic film maker,most of his films have commercial compromises. "Thuthu varuma Thuthu varuma" song in Kakka-Kakka,Goa shot song in Vettaiyadu Vellaiyadu and "Anjalaye" song in Varnam Aiyaram (an urban dude dances for a folk song) are all odd elements for the respective themes.I haven't watched Nadunisi Naiygal yet,may be Gautam would have foregone the commercial aspects in it and attempted for a experiential screenplay since it is his own production.
I couldn't understand the pessimistic aggression of the fellow bloggers toward a movie director if they lift the main story line from an international movie or novel.Is Gautam fool enough to lift the theme from the world known thriller "Pshycho" and convince himself that no body would know about it and release it in multiplexes? Gautam himself will very well know the fact that movie buffs have transcended to watch films of every genre from any language/region. May be Gautam would have thought Psycho's (or balumahendra's moodupani) pivotal idea is worth to revisit now. I haven't seen any movie with don theme in India without traces of Godfather and Scarface.Does that mean movie makers have to stop taking movies in this theme.Not so, it's not the storyline but the making of movie that clicks with tamil audience.
Ajith's Billa is a block buster and I am sure every one who watched Ajith's version might have watched Rajni's version for atleast 2 times. MGR's Enggal Veetu Pillai has been attempted umpteen versions with every hero in tamil cinema from 1980 to 2000. If originality in storyline is a concern,why should producers and directors stick to it?
Every time when Gautam attempts an unconventional idea, main stream media sidelines it with a comment that director's characters are too suave and not common.If Gautam have attempted the same idea in bollywood, tamil media would have celebrated him as a creator par excellence. One example for this case is Balki,his Cheeni Kum and Pa are celebrated by tamil media because they are all made in hindi and not in tamil.Other example is Baskar of Bommarillu (Santhosh Subramaniam's original version) fame.

Ippo ramasamy,
Even Alfred Hithcock's Pyscho is adaptation from a novel.Having said that, what's wrong if every Gautam have adapted the novel in his own way?
I haven't watched the movie NN yet. I completely agree with you if Gautam have lifted the scenes from the "Psycho" movie,then it's a crime and shame.
Anonymous said…
Is Gautam fool enough to lift the theme from the world known thriller "Pshycho" and convince himself that no body would know about it and release it in multiplexes? Gautam himself will very well know the fact that movie buffs have transcended to watch films of every genre from any language/region. May be Gautam would have thought Psycho's (or balumahendra's moodupani) pivotal idea is worth to revisit now. ///
அய்யா சாமி இங்க தமிழ்லதான் பேசிகினு இருக்கோம்.அதான் Transliterator இருக்குல்ல.தமிழ்ல எழுதுனா கொறஞ்சா போய்டுவ?அப்புறம் ஹிட்ச்காக் நாவலை தழுவிதான் சைகோ எடுத்தார்.ஆனால் கதைன்னு தன்னோட பேர போட்டுகுல.தெரிஞ்சிக்க.ஆனா நம்மாளுங்க கதை திரைக்கதைன்னு எல்லாத்துலையும் தன்னோட பேர போட்டுகுவானுங்க காபி அடிச்ச படத்துக்கும்.
அப்புறம் கௌதமுக்கு தெரியாதான்னு கேக்குற!அய்யா The untouchables பாரு.காக்க காக்க படம் அந்த படத்தின் அட்ட காப்பி.கௌதம் மக்கள் முட்டாள்னு நெனகிறான்.
அப்புறம் சைகோ மாதிரி படம் வரலைன்னு நீ சொல்ற.போய் Hannibal lecter series பாரு.
The godfather படத்த ரெண்டுதடவ காப்பி அடிச்ச பெரும கமலையே சேரும்(நாயகன்,தேவர் மகன்).
இங்க நம் மண்சார்ந்த கதை நெறைய இருக்கு.அதை எடுக்கலாம்.சும்மா 99% ஆங்கில வசனம் வச்சி எடுக்குற கௌதம் போன்ற இங்க்ளிபீசு பைத்தியங்கள் இங்கிலாதுக்கு போய் படமெடுக்கலாம்.
இதே இவன் பொறந்த கேரளாவுல இந்த மாதிரி எடுத்த இவன செருபாளையே அடிப்பாங்க.அது அவனுக்கும் தெரியும்.இளிச்சவாயன் மொழிப்பற்று இல்லாதவன் தமிழன்னு அவனுக்கு தெரியும்.அதான் இந்த கதி.
தியாகு said…
ராமசாமி அண்ணே ஒரு பொது அறிவிர்க்காக கேட்கின்றேன் - எதனடிப்படையில் தேவர் மகன் God Fatherஇன் தழுவல் என்கிறீர்கள்?
Senthil said…
@Ippo Ramasamy, I have already seen the film "The Untouchables" (and Kaakka Kaakka too). CAN YOU justify how "Kaakka Kaakka" is a copy of "The untouchables"?
vijay said…
Ippo Ramasamy,
I haven't watched Nadunisi Naygal and Untouchables, so I'll come back to you on that by this week-end.
You rightly mentioned about DevarMagan and Nayagan, where most of the characters and scenes are lifted from Godfather.(In Godfather,Alpacino returns from world war and joins his mafia family after the death of his father;Alpacino's brother is a wayward irresponsible guy. In Devar Magan, Kamal joins up his father's clan after completing his catering studies.Kamal's brother Thalaivasal vijay is a drunkard). But you failed to mention about Varnam Aiyaram and Forrest Gump.The main storyline of these two movies have more similar sequences such as childhood love, succeeding in business,winning a bravery award , joining military,obsession with running (in VA, it's gym). But not a single shot/character can be compared between them. Gautam is inspired by ForrestGump and he hasn't copied it. In case of Nayagan and Devar Magan, we can call out characters as well as scenes from Godfather, this is plagiarism.

"இளிச்சவாயன் மொழிப்பற்று இல்லாதவன் தமிழன்னு அவனுக்கு தெரியும்" You are getting too paranoid that one of the greatest languages,Tamil with 1000 years of history will face extinction because of film makers like Gautam menon and Maniratnam. If so, A.R.Rahman's songs with meaningless english lyrics should have molested and burnt alive "Tamil" a decade back.But that's not the reality.
Anonymous said…
அடங்கப்ப சாமி இன்னும் பிடிவாதமா இங்க்லீசுளையே பேசுறியே?ஒன்ன மாறி ஆளுங்களாலதான் தமிழுக்கு அழிவு.கௌதமும் ஒரு அங்கம்.அவனாவது மலையாள நாயி.ஆனா நீ?ஒன்கிட்ட யாரவது இங்க்லீசுல பேசுனா நீ தமிழ்ல பதில் சொல்லுவியா?ஆனா தமிழ்ல கேட்டா இங்க்ளிசுல பேசுற!இத போல தமிழ்ல பேசுறது கேவலம்னு நெனக்கிற ஆளுங்க நெறைய்ய்யா உண்டு.திருந்துங்கடா.
அப்புறம் கமலோட காப்பிக்கு நான் என்னிக்கும் வக்காலத்து வாங்க மாட்டேன்.தசவதாரம் Fletcher getup=Sin city Marv character கேட்டுப்..etc...etc...
.அவன பத்தி இன்னும் பேச வேணாம்.நீ திருந்து.தமிழ் தெரிஞ்சவன்கிட்ட தமிழ்ல பேச முயற்சி பண்ணு.கொறஞ்சிட மாட்ட.நான் paranaaid இல்ல நீ Scizhophrenic ஆயிடாத இங்க்ளிபீசு மேல!அம்புட்டுதேன்
vijay said…
Ippo Ramasamy,
I have watched "Untouchables", four police officers are bending the rules, other than that I am not seeing any similarity between them.
I am repeating the question from senthil,
@Ippo Ramasamy, I have already seen the film "The Untouchables" (and Kaakka Kaakka too). CAN YOU justify how "Kaakka Kaakka" is a copy of "The untouchables"?

Have you watched the movie called "The king" in malayalam by Mammoty. It has more english dialogues than any other tamil movie.

I am not convinced that your immediate family is/will having/have their schooling in Tamil medium. That's the significant shift to make Tamil grow. Merely typing in Tamil is a hypocritical act which any one can
do. Once I am assured and convinced, I will follow up your path in helping Tamil's growth.
bhuvanesh said…
I think this statement was made by him before the movie was released - in one of the promo interviews for the movie. And by that, becomes one of the ugliest attempts by Gautam Menon to hype-up the movie. Seriously, after having watched most of his movies, all i can think of are Gautam Menon cliches and not any style.
That he blindly copies is well-known (it is too miuch of a pain to even list his acts of plagiarism)- that he denies them speaks volumes about him and the respect he has for the art he creates.

That he is in pre-eminence says tons about the state of Tamil pop-culture today.

By condemning this movie for its portrayal of homosexuality, child abuse and grpahic violenece - most of the commentators have missed the core point - which is the lack of artistic merit in much of the movie (Can expand on this in any ensuing discussion. Again, much depends on where the artistic latitude for benchmark is set.

(forgive me for typing in English. Will try to type in tamil next time)

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