ட்விட்டர் தாட்ஸ் - 6 (நவம்பர் '09 : பார்ட் 1)

2009-11-04 12:53:00
The mgmt.guru-cum-interviewer don't like that fact.

2009-11-04 12:52:52
In IIM's PGSEM interview, i told "everybody in this world knows a pinch of management".

2009-11-04 12:48:05
may be Vijay-Surya..

2009-11-04 12:47:32
MKT-PUC, MGR-Sivaji, Rajini-Kamal.. who is the next?

2009-11-04 12:43:38
to download a picture from orkut : tools --> page info --> media --> media file URLs are listed

2009-11-04 12:36:02
the tamil fonts in gmail is looking different from yesterday..

2009-11-04 10:30:38
i need an apt adjective.. wat is the taste of alchohol?

2009-11-04 10:27:35
and after all a software engineer..

2009-11-04 10:26:39
there are others too.. alumni pvb, alumni ehkn, ex-cegian, ex-hexawarian, sonoa-ite.. wat else?

2009-11-04 10:25:07
human, male, writer, a citizen of earth, indian, tamilian, coimbatorean - this is my order..

2009-11-04 10:14:03
tweeting is injurious to health.. isn't it..

2009-11-04 09:57:00
இது ஒரு வகையான தேடல் மட்டுமே..

2009-11-04 09:56:49
இருவருக்குமே புதிய விஷயம் எனும் போது எப்படி சந்தேகம் கேட்பது ஆகும்..

2009-11-04 09:51:15
balki's paa hindi movie trailer - this IR music is from athu oru kanaakkaalam title song..

2009-11-04 09:43:52
பலத்த மழையென்றால் 'மழைக்கிறது' எனலாம்.. 'க்'ன்னாவின் அழுத்தத்திற்காக..

2009-11-04 09:36:50
'மழைகிறது' would be apt, if derived from 'மழை' and 'பெய்கிற‌து'.. means without an 'க்'..

2009-11-03 11:01:35
i think twitter is not a chatting tool.. am i right?

2009-11-03 04:45:16
unfortunately, i am using MS office 2007 but hate .xlsx as it fails in reverse compatibility..

2009-11-02 06:59:49
which is best .doc or .xls? i go with the later..


sahana said…
hi csk,do u like chetan bhagat's writing

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