கடிதம்: Hello CSK


This is XXX. (Just to refresh your memory, I posted my feedback to your opinion about the question "YYY?")

From your today's posting (from your email interaction with Charu about Newbooklands store) I got your email and thought I will introduce to you. Your website is good and your thoughts, writings are original. Good work and please keep it up. I am also a regular visitor to new booklands store (i.e., whenever I come to India)

I want to share a lot of things in the first emai itself but I am typing this email from my office and hence I would like to be short. In nutshell, I see many similarities between your and my personality, interests in reading etc. except that:

1. I am lazy and usually don't like to write a lot (but I can talk a lot) so, though I have created a blog, I have seldom written anything in the blog. And also living in US with a family keeps typically more busy compared with if you are living in India.

I would like to talk to you as well if you don't mind. Please share your mobile or home phone number.

ZZZ (mobile)

Note 1: You don't have to call me but when you share your number with me, I will call you. And when I call from US using a calling card, the number might come in some funny combination and may look like a junk call from an unknown person. But pick up the phone and I hope to have a nice conversation with you.

Note 2: Please keep this email private and don't mention anything about it in your website.



Happy to see yet another "similarities" mail.

I was equally wondered and scared to see your statement that living in US is more busier than that in India - particularly when the corporate world is concerned. I believe that there you don't have the concept of working in week-ends or other holidays. But it's up to you to plan your spare time for family, personal interests and other blah-blah-blah stuffs.

Here, in India, it's not the case. We need to work 24x7 irrespective of holidays and week-ends. Even, I went office yesterday (May Day) and need to go tomorrow too (A Sunday) because of project release pressures. The good part in my case is that the management won't insist; the employee need to judge and decide - but again, it's tricky.

Most of my friends who are working for top-notch IT services firms spend almost 10 to 15 hours in office due to the fear of job loss on recession. To them, May Day is an annual joke. Above all, we need to address our family expectations (non-finance related) also. Then where can they find time to read, write or even smile. You are getting my point?

Personally, I feel it's a big pain to be a writer in India.


Note 1: I have sent you my mobile number.

Note 2: I think I honoured your "Note 2".


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