A student who wrote "f*** off" in the recent GCSE examination (GCSE - General Certificate of Secondary Education is set of English qualifying exams conducted in UK, taken by secondary school students at age of 14-16 - nearly equivalent to our SSLC grade) was given marks (2 out of 27) for accurate spelling and conveying a meaning successfully.

Peter Buckroyd, the chief examiner of English for the Assessment and Qualifications Alliance (AQA), responsible for examination standards taken by 780,000 candidates and training for 3,000 examiners who evaluated & marked this paper, told SUNDAY TIMES, LONDON, "To gain minimum marks in English, students must demonstrate some simple sequencing of ideas and some words in appropriate order. The phrase had achieved this".

He instructed fellow examiners and trainee examiners to mark in the same way - "It would be wicked to give it zero. It’s better than someone that doesn’t write anything at all". If this is the case, one of my close friends is sure get 100% marks if he undergoes GCSE examination as he is an expert in those kind of vocabulary. An instant example is he wrote a short story of 10 pages, purely (?!) with foul words alone.

Buckroyd concluded with a finishing touch, "If it had had an exclamation mark it would have got a little bit more because it would have been showing a little bit of skill".



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