Though I am not very good at Mathematics, here is a post which involves a lot of numerals as it has a feather touch with feminine gender.
Based on the physical dimension ratios - 3D (obviously, bust-waist-hip), every female is classified into one of the following 4 types. The respective practical sizes are in Imperial Units (rounded off to the nearest inch) and corresponding Indian female celebrity examples in the braces are Base 64 Encoded [Use any Base 64 Decoder to know who is the prototype of your favourite size].
Also, it is to be noted that this kind of female body shape measurements really measures her skeletal structure and the fat distribution which is primarily based on the Estrogen hormone secretion level. The height, weight and age are not taken into account in this regard (Think of a girl 36-25-35 with 4 feet height and 80 kg weight).
Any girl aged between 18 and 22 having an approximate size of 36-24-36 with height around 5 feet 6 inches and weight of 50s in kilograms is every male's hot favourite dream weaver, globally. But this is a superlative hypothetical case and the practical world is never perfect. Better watch pornography. After all, beauty lies in the eyes.
Note: The results / observations are purely based on personal experience & knowledge base and subject to vary from time to time ;)
Based on the physical dimension ratios - 3D (obviously, bust-waist-hip), every female is classified into one of the following 4 types. The respective practical sizes are in Imperial Units (rounded off to the nearest inch) and corresponding Indian female celebrity examples in the braces are Base 64 Encoded [Use any Base 64 Decoder to know who is the prototype of your favourite size].

- Banana : 32-26-32 [QWlzaHdhcnlhIFJhaQ==]
- Pear : 32-26-38 [TmFtaXRoYSBLYXBvb3I=]
- Apple : 38-24-32 [U2FuaWEgTWlyemE=]
- Hour-Glass : 36-24-36 [TWFsbGlrYSBTaGVyYXdhdA==]
Also, it is to be noted that this kind of female body shape measurements really measures her skeletal structure and the fat distribution which is primarily based on the Estrogen hormone secretion level. The height, weight and age are not taken into account in this regard (Think of a girl 36-25-35 with 4 feet height and 80 kg weight).

Note: The results / observations are purely based on personal experience & knowledge base and subject to vary from time to time ;)