As of now (this millisecond), this website has 1269 visitors from 25 countries of 6 continents making 1756 hits in 86 days. Today, the site reached another milestone in its short journey - 100 posts. To be specific, this is the hundredth. I really want to make use of this occasion to thank every individual who kindled me to reach this landmark.

I am wearing a lot of masks everyday for survival - a good husband to my wife, a QA Engineer in the IT industry, a pleasant support to my friends and above-all, basically a human-being. It's the last role which I deserves more and made me strive to turn into a successful writer, a poet and a blogger now.

To be frank, I am not a biggie in English language. I never read any English novel or a short story till now (apart from the non-detailed text of my academic syllabi). The English which I am exposed to are from my engineering books, corporate world, newspapers & magazines and a few non-fictions.

In spite of this, a couple of reasons forced me to write blog in English - Font and Readers. Still, I should agree that I am not much comfortable with the language but sure to be better than the first post. Many of my friends expected at least a few Tamil posts when they heard , I am blogging (Let me try to console them in the near future).

My writings, in other words, can be termed as "the world, as I see" which if left unwritten cannot be written by anybody else. It is to be noted that though considerable portions of my blog, in general, are said to have anti-female thoughts(?!), its a sweet irony that most of its regular readers are girls/ women.

Many of the posts are having a high hit rate being the reader's most popular choice - CHAOS BUTTERFLY (about the movie Dasavathaaram), SUJATHA, I MISS YOU (on demise of writer Sujatha) and ORUTHI NINAIKKAIYILAE (my poem selected by Vairamuthu) are the noticed mass attractions.

BITTER ADIEU, a post on criticizing temple construction by Anna University alumni attracted a lot of comments from my college mates (few of them are in IIMs now) which lead to a brief but healthy discussion on that topic. VIRTUAL UNREALITY & VENUS vs MARS - posts about girls lead to hot arguments between a girl Gokula and my friend Barath.

LACK OF TOLERANCE VS FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION, a post on an issue with Writer Sujatha orkut community, got a big comment cum review (really big - in the sense, bigger than the original post itself) from my college mate (an entrepreneur now), Deepan Chakravarthi. Biggest success of the site, in my view is every reader has some justifying points to love or hate Mr.SarKar.

Now, let me read the vote of thanks:

First and foremost - the lion-share of my thanks goes to my beloved wife (and my biggest fan too). She can be considered as a co-author to certain extent in some of the posts. She is the first reader and reviewer of almost every writing of mine that she encouraged my interests in every possible aspect and synchronised my thoughts whenever needed. After a big/ bit arguments, often, I agreed to remove many words/ lines/ paras (few posts even) which she censored. She is the biggest asset in my life.

Then comes - my Rakhi sister from Infosys - Gayathri (who says that some posts are "very bad" and brought changes on the site's content and look), my intellectual chat friend from Madurai - Umamaheshwari Rajendran (who says that I am a "professional blogger" and broadcasted the site to her friends), the HR incharge of my concern - Pooja Parthi (who says that the blog is "informative and updated", being a regular-yet-frequent reader) and famous trilingual pop singer - Smita (who says that it is a "beautiful blog posting" and uploaded my website URL link on her official website).

A bit of ode to boys too - to my friends - Barathraj, Naveen Kumar, Senthilvel, Nagarajan and Rajarajan who encouraged me and equally inspired by me. Also, thanking for the following words from my readers which gave a cup of chicken soup for my soul at the instant when I heard/ read them:

"Really gud read. dunno how 2 xplain. a sum kinda resemblance 2 sujatha" - Keerthi Barath
"தங்களுக்கு உள்ள ஆற்றலுக்கு தமிழில் எழுதினால் நன்று" - Padmapriya
"That was really touching. and made me cry!!" - Uthra (on writer Sujatha's post)
"Very good. congrats. great. really surprised at your effort" - Chiranjeevi
"Interesting thoughts - Added to my RSS feed" - Karthik, Karaikudy
"Awesome it is. u got a good sense of writing da" - Vimal Kumar
"Good to see you blogging. Welcome abroad" - Robin Samuel
"CSK forays into English too!!! Nice writeup" - Srinivasan
"Replacing wikipedia eh. nice job" - Venkatesh
"Nice blog dude. Keep going" - Kousik Nandy
"Fantastic" - Mc Tnahgavelu Manickadevar
"Its Great. Good work" - Sundari Selveraj
"Worthful articles" - Junaise Babu
"Good" - Karuththamma Kuppan
"Nice it was" - Anu Annapurani
"It's amazing" - Udhaya Bhanu
"Nice narration" - Vinodh
"Nice" - Mamatha

The site attracts a few of negative comments also (a guy protested against the usage of term "writer" in the site name) and a couple of foul wordings too. Ultimately, every positive comments goes to writer Sujatha, keeping the negatives for me. I am his Ekalyva, forever.

Last but NOT the least - Thanks to Google for blogger (creation), orkut (propagation), adsense (advt.) & analytics (traffic) and

The woods are lovely, dark and deep,
But I have promises to keep,
And miles to go before I sleep,
And miles to go before I sleep.
- Robert Frost (Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening)



Kousik said…
Keep going, dude. May you reach 1000th post soon!
Jeeva said…
yep...great saravana...gud job
ஜி said…
Congrats man... Keep rocking...

- Geeya
Anonymous said…
congrats on ur 100th post!!!
Keep it up. and its a sweet surprise for me too , to see my name in ur blog!

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